Association for Perioperative Practice
Association for Perioperative Practice
August 2-3 > Book your place now

2024 Headline Sponsor:

2024 Headline Sponsor:

Carol Menashy

SISOS Lead Nurse , Royal Free Foundation Trust
In 2017 after seeing the psychological trauma, following a ‘Never Event’, Carol, a theatre nurse, founded SISOS (Safety Incident Supporting Our staff). In 2022 the team won the Nursing Times, Workforce Summit award: Best Staff wellbeing initiative.

Speaker Session

Saturday 3 August 2024, 15:10-16:00
Session Title: Supporting Staff Impacted by Patient Safety Events

Association for Perioperative Practice

Join the Conversation on Social Media

Find us @SaferSurgeryUK across all socials and use #AfPPConf2024 to share your Conference memories and what you’re looking forward to this year!
Back for 2024, a dedicated facebook group for all confirmed attendees.